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PbS/CdS Quantum Dots, Longer near-infrared region, Organic solvent, 1000nm

Typical Properties
Catalog ACMA00022628
Purity 99.9 %
Appearance Dispersion
Storage Shelf life ≥ 1 yr if stored in dark between -15 and 8 °C
Absorption coefficient at first exciton peak 1.25 x 106 Liters/mole-cm
Composition PbS/CdS
Diameter 4.4 nm
Diameter of core plus shell 5.1 nm
Emission Peak Width 145 nm
Fluorescent Emission Peak 1000 nm
Functional Group Alkane
Quality Level 100
Quantum Yield ≥ 70 %
Shipping Ambient Temperature
Solvent Toluene containing ≤ 1 % surfactant
Surfactant Coating Oleic acid

Our PbS/CdS quantum dots use PbS as the core, CdS as the shell, and the surface is coated with hydrophobic ligands, making them lipophilic and soluble in organic solvents such as toluene, chloroform, and heptane. Their narrow-band fluorescence emission wavelengths range from 900 nm to 1000 nm. Due to their efficient emission in the infrared spectral range, they have great potential for applications ranging from tunable infrared lasers to solar cells.


·Good biocompatibility
·Small non-specific adsorption
·High quantum yield
·High molar extinction coefficient
·Strong optical stability
·Narrow emission spectrum


·Bioluminescent label
·Sensitized solar cells
·White LED
·Electronic communications