Smart Food Packaging

Smart Food Packaging


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The growing problem of food contamination is the driving force behind the search for advanced food packaging technologies. Smart packaging responsive to the environment and active packaging capable of interacting with food have been proposed. The former can be considered as a further development of the latter, because they can quickly perceive the quality parameters of packaged food and provide timely feedback on the status of the products. Bio-nanocomposites formed by mixing biopolymers with colloidal nanomaterials can provide great opportunities for the development of smart food packaging. Alfa Chemistry can provide various bio-nanocomposite solutions for smart food packaging applications.

Smart Food Packaging

Research and Practice of Colloids in Smart Food Packaging

The application of colloids in the food industry has a long history. Traditional emulsions, micelles, monolayers, and bilayers all belong to the colloid group. Colloids have a large specific surface area and are more biologically active than larger-sized particles with the same chemical composition. This provides multiple perspectives for food applications. For example, colloidal particles can be used as bioactive compounds in functional foods. Due to safety concerns, most of the expected colloid applications in the food market are still food packaging. Bio-nanocomposites based on colloidal nanoparticles such as nanosilver, titanium dioxide, nanoclay, nanozinc oxide, and silicon dioxide can achieve improved mechanical, barrier, thermal, and physicochemical properties and can be specifically used in the smart food packaging industry.

Smart Food PackagingFig.1 PVA nanocomposites of zinc oxide-doped multiwalled carbon nanotubes (MWCNTSZnO) as food packaging.[3]

Alfa Chemistry pays close attention to food safety and food contamination issues. We can use our colloidal nanotechnologies, which we are good at, to provide bio-nanocomposites with excellent performance for smart food packaging applications. We are committed to developing biodegradable food packaging materials with excellent mechanical, thermal and barrier properties obtained by colloid reinforcement and applying them to commercial packaging materials.

What Can We Do?

  • Alfa Chemistry provides a variety of colloidal nanomaterials for smart food packaging applications.
  • Alfa Chemistry helps customers design and manufacture bio-composites based on colloidal particles and provide a comprehensive analysis characterization platform.
  • Alfa Chemistry works with scientific research institutions or food companies to develop high transparency, lightweight and environmentally friendly food packaging materials.


  1. Sobhan A , et al. Biosensors and biopolymer-based nanocomposites for smart food packaging: Challenges and opportunities. Food Packaging and Shelf Life. 2021, 30(5):100745.
  2. Sozer N, Kokini J L. Nanotechnology and its applications in the food sector. Trends in Biotechnology. 2009, 27(2):82-89.
  3. Yi Hua Wen, et al. Antibacterial nanocomposite films of poly(vinyl alcohol) modified with zinc oxide-doped multiwalled carbon nanotubes as food packaging. Polymer Bulletin:1-20.

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