Properties, Preparation, and Diverse Applications of Cellulose Acetate
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Properties, Preparation, and Diverse Applications of Cellulose Acetate


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Cellulose acetate is a cellulose derivative prepared by acetylation of cellulose, and is also the most widely used cellulose derivative. It is a semi-synthetic polymer obtained by acetylation of cellulose, which is a natural polymer in plant cell walls. Cellulose acetate comes from renewable resources and is an environmentally friendly material. Cellulose acetate was originally used in coatings, and after years of development, it has gradually expanded to films, separation membranes, medical materials, textile fibers, plastics and other fields.

Structure and Characteristics of Cellulose Acetate


Cellulose acetate is a white, odorless, tasteless, non-toxic granular, powdery or fibrous solid with a molecular formula of [C6H7O2(OH)3-m(OOCCH3)m]n, where m is the average degree of substitution (DS) of the acetyl group (m=0~3) and n is the degree of polymerization (n=200~400).

  • When the m value is less than 1.5, CA is cellulose acetate;
  • When the m value is between 2.2~2.7, CA is cellulose diacetate;
  • When the m value is greater than 2.8, CA is cellulose triacetate.


  • It is a stiff polymer with a high glass transition temperature, primarily due to the strong hydrogen bonds formed among the glucose rings of neighboring chains. This characteristic renders cellulose acetate distinct from traditional thermoplastic polymers and gives it enhanced durability and stability in various environments.
  • Cellulose acetate is lightweight, transparent, and has excellent optical clarity, making it an ideal material for products such as eyeglass frames, film base, and packaging materials.
  • Additionally, cellulose acetate is biodegradable and can be easily recycled, making it a sustainable choice for many applications.

Cellulose Acetate from Alfa Chemistry

Preparation of Cellulose Acetate

The preparation of cellulose acetate involves the acetylation of cellulose fibers with acetic anhydride in the presence of a catalyst such as sulfuric acid. The degree of acetylation determines the properties of the cellulose acetate, with higher degrees of acetylation resulting in materials with increased solubility and flexibility. The acetylated cellulose is then washed and purified to remove any impurities before being dried and processed into various forms such as fibers, sheets, and pellets.

Fig 1. Acetate process for producing cellulose acetate.Fig 1. Schematic diagram of the production process of cellulose diacetate. [1]

Applications of Cellulose Acetate

Fiber and Textile Industry

Cellulose acetate is extensively used in the textile industry for the production of acetate fibers, primarily known as acetate rayon. These fibers are appreciated for their luxurious feel, lightweight nature, and high absorbency.

Consumer Products

Cellulose acetate is a key material in the production of eyewear frames and sunglass frames due to its lightweight nature, hypoallergenic properties, and resistance to surface abrasion. Moreover, it is used in the production of cellulose acetate tow, which is employed as a raw material in the manufacturing of cigarette filters due to its favorable filtration properties.

Biomedical Applications

Cellulose acetate has gained prominence in biomedical applications, including as a material for wound dressings and drug delivery systems. Its biocompatibility, non-toxicity, and ability to be shaped into various forms such as fibers and films make it suitable for use in wound care products. Furthermore, cellulose acetate has shown promise in the field of tissue engineering, as it can be utilized for scaffolds to support cellular growth and tissue regeneration.

Membrane Technology

Cellulose acetate is one of the earliest materials used to make filtration membranes. It can be used as both a main polymer and an additive in the manufacture of other polymer-based membranes to make cellulose acetate-based membranes. These membranes play a role in filtering impurities and separating different components from various fluids, such as filtration, gas separation, adsorption and ion exchange. [2]


  1. Ganster, Johannes, et al. Bio‐Based Plastics: Materials and Applications, 2013, 35-62.
  2. Vatanpour, Vahid, et al. Chemosphere, 2022, 295, 133914.

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