A Comprehensive Guide to Perovskite Quantum Dots

A Comprehensive Guide to Perovskite Quantum Dots


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Perovskite quantum dots are nanoscale semiconductor materials composed of inorganic metal halides. These dots possess a cubic crystal lattice structure known as the perovskite structure, characterized by their excellent light-absorption properties and tunable bandgaps. Their size typically ranges from 2 to 10 nanometers, allowing for precise control over their electronic and optical properties. Perovskite quantum dots have emerged as a promising class of nanomaterials for a wide range of applications in optoelectronics, photovoltaics, and bioimaging.

A Comprehensive Guide to Perovskite Quantum Dots

Properties of Perovskite Quantum Dots

  • Photoluminescence Properties: They exhibit excellent photoluminescence properties, including high quantum yield, tunable emission colors, and narrow emission linewidths.
  • Tunability: Their bandgap can be easily tuned by altering the size or composition of the quantum dots, enabling customization for specific applications.
  • Large Absorption Cross-Section: Perovskite quantum dots have a large absorption cross-section, leading to efficient light absorption.
  • Electronic Properties: These nanocrystals also show high carrier mobility and long carrier diffusion lengths, making them suitable for use in electronic devices.
  • Chemical Stability: They demonstrate good chemical stability under ambient conditions, making them suitable for long-term use.

Perovskite Quantum Dots from Alfa Chemistry

Synthesis Methods of Perovskite Quantum Dots

The synthesis of perovskite quantum dots involves various methods, including:

  • Hot-injection synthesis method
  • LAPP synthesis method
  • Spray synthesis method
  • Droplet microflow controlled synthesis method
  • Ultrasonic synthesis method
  • Microwave radiation synthesis method
  • Laser in situ synthesis method

In the synthesis process of perovskite quantum dots, external synthesis conditions are important influencing factors, such as solvent polarity, reaction temperature, reaction time, concentration, and the ratio of precursors and ligands.

Common synthesis methods of perovskite quantum dots.Common synthesis methods of perovskite quantum dots. [1]

Surface Chemistry Engineering of Perovskite Quantum Dots

Surface passivation and functionalization play a crucial role in enhancing the stability and performance of perovskite quantum dots. The presence of surface ligands results in perovskite quantum dots with tunable shape, size, stability, and valence band position for a variety of exciting applications.

Ligands, such as long-chain organic molecules, are often used to passivate the surface of quantum dots, preventing surface defects and improving their optical properties. For example, Dandan Yang et al. developed a "Br-equivalent" ligand strategy using dodecylbenzenesulfonic acid as a ligand, which simultaneously achieved high photoluminescence quantum yield and long-lasting stability performance of perovskite quantum dots.

Oleic acid, oleylamine, and sulfonic acid as ligands for perovskite quantum dots.Oleic acid, oleylamine, and sulfonic acid as ligands for perovskite quantum dots. [2]

Additionally, surface modifications with specific functional groups can facilitate the integration of quantum dots into various devices, enhancing their compatibility and functionality.

Applications of Perovskite Quantum Dots

  • Light-Emitting Diodes (LEDs)

Perovskite quantum dots are utilized as efficient emitters in LED technology, offering high color purity and brightness. For example, Lee synthesized FAPbBr3 QDs at room temperature and showed high-efficiency FAPbBr3 QD-based LEDs with a CE of 9.16 cd A−1, PE of 6.4 lm W−1, and EQE of 2.05%.

FAPbBr3 QD-based LEDs.FAPbBr3 QD-based LEDs. [3]

  • Photodetectors

These quantum dots are employed in photodetectors for high-sensitivity light detection due to their excellent photoluminescence characteristics.

  • Solar Cells

Perovskite quantum dots show promise in solar cell applications, serving as light absorbers or sensitizers to enhance solar energy conversion efficiency. The application of perovskite quantum dots as absorbers in perovskite solar cells has been widely reported.

Perovskite quantum dots for solar cells.Perovskite quantum dots for solar cells. [4]

  • Biological Imaging

Their tunable emission properties make them valuable imaging agents in biological and medical imaging techniques, providing enhanced contrast and resolution.


  1. Zou, Jifan, et al. Journal of Applied Physics, 2022, 132(22), 220901.
  2. Yang, Dandan, et al. Advanced Materials, 2019, 31(30), 1900767.
  3. Li, Yun-Fei, et al. Nanoscale, 2019, 11(41), 19119-19139.
  4. Chi, Weiguang, et al. Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 2022, 61(9), e202112412.

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